Thursday, November 8, 2007

Illegal Aliens and Drivers Licenses

The whole debate over Illegal Aliens getting drivers licenses in the United States has gotten completely ridiculous. They are the same as drugs.....just say NO.

I heard a woman who called a radio talk show, she was an incredible idiot. She said that she wanted to feel safe knowing that Pablo in the car next to her had passed all the safety courses needed to get a drivers license. June Cleaver and her "Children" would then be safe to go to soccer practice and the super market. Don't concern yourself that Pablo is celebrating his getting a New York Drivers license with a fifth of Tequila, and a ride in the sunshine.

These people are criminals and need to be treated as such. Deport all of them. And do not give me this crap that it can not be done, it can be, we just won't do it. We would not want to offend any body, especially an ungreatful illegal alien.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Global Warming and Freedom of Choice

We are told that we have to believe in "Gorebal Warming". We are not allowed to believe in God, but Global Warming can not be challenged. After all, the geniuses telling us we are all going to melt away are actors and rock stars. Is not the scientific data collected by Mrs. David stimulating to ones intellect. But I digress.

It seems like the only way to stop global warming is to pay more taxes, give up our lifestyle, and as some would suggest become vegans. "Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand".

I believe the only answer is exactly what the liberals in this country hold sacred above all else. Freedom of Choice. It is really simple. First convert all gas pumps to have a simple switch, turn the switch to the left and you pay an extra 10 cents per gallon to go for Global Warming prevention, or you can turn the switch to the right and pay the going rate for gas because you are not stupid enough to believe you are more powerful than Mother Nature, God, and the Sun.

Next you can have a simple check box on every utility bill indicating that you are so ashamed of yourself you would like your bill to be increased by 10% to help fight Gorebal Warming.

How about taking 30% of your retirement savings and buy Carbon Offsets, but don't stop there, you can also take a percentage of your children's college fund and invest that in carbon offsets because if what you believe is true the world won't be worth crap when they come of age so an education will be more worthless than it is now. You really needn't worry about the future, there is always social security.

Instead of telling everybody how they need to live, why not set the pace. Everybody who bitches about Global Warming has 5 years to become totally independent of burning anything to make your life easier. Convert your home to Solar and Wind Power, and buy a bicycle. Cancel all vacations that you cannot walk to. Oh and don't forget to enjoy existence, not life, just existence.

Eat only Raw vegetables.

I will personally flip the switch to the Right, not check the box, keep my money, eat meat cooked extra long on an open fire, and enjoy LIFE.